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DUI Not Driving

Can you imagine how difficult life would be without being able to drive? Think about how many times you jump in the car for a quick trip to the store, the dry cleaners or to pick up your child from a friend’s house. With countless errands needing to be run on weekends and using the car to get to and from entertainment activities, we spend a big portion of our time driving. And that’s before you consider the commute to and from work.

But driving is a privilege and when people get a DUI not driving becomes a way of life. If you are arrested for DUI in California, your license is taken and you must attend a hearing at the DMV to try to get it back. If you are convicted of drunk driving, your license can be suspended for several months. You may or may not be able to get a restricted license which means you have to rely on public transportation or having friends pick you up to get back and forth to work. Eventually you are going to have to tell people the humiliating reason you cannot drive.

Besides not being able to drive, you will have to pay fines and will most likely be dropped by your insurance carrier. You may have to secure a vehicle liability insurance bond known as Form SR22 after your license has been reinstated. The ramifications of DUI convictions are serious. It is best to avoid them completely by never getting behind the wheel after drinking.

Board of Governors,

America's Top-Ranked Law School For Trial Advocacy

Stetson University DUI Program

Contact Information

Jonathan Franklin DUI Attorney
6777 Hollywood Blvd Ste 508
Los Angeles, CA 90028