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What Does DWI Mean?

What Does DWI Mean? DWI is the acronym which stands for Driving While Intoxicated. In some states and in California, it is known as DUI or Driving Under the Influence. An arrest for this can result in a person losing his license for a period of time and other punishments. Some DWI convictions result in jail time particularly if it is a driver’s second or third offense or if there were aggravating circumstances. People convicted for a DUI also have to pay heavy fines and may have to participate in an alcohol awareness program mandated by the court.

If you are arrested for a DUI in California, your license is automatically revoked. You have ten days in which you must schedule a hearing at the Department of Motor Vehicles; this will allow you to retain your license until the results of the DMV Administrative Hearing are decided. If you are convicted on the DUI charge; however, your license could be suspended for a period of time or may be restricted meaning you can only drive to and from your job. If you have a job that requires a clean driver’s license, you could lose it. Some organizations have their own standards when it comes to employee DWI or DUI convictions especially if you work for a company such as a trucking company or a railroad.

Fortunately, a DUI arrest does not always have to result in severe consequences. It is important to consult with a Hollywood DUI attorney about your case; the sooner an attorney is involved, the more options they will have in preparing your defense.

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Stetson University DUI Program

Contact Information

Jonathan Franklin DUI Attorney
6777 Hollywood Blvd Ste 508
Los Angeles, CA 90028