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Law Offices of Jonthan Franklin - Blog

You may have viewed the growing number of public service announcements pushing the message that buzz driving is the same thing as drinking and driving. For many viewers this is confusing. What really is buzzed driving? Can you really get arrested for buzzed drinking and driving? When it comes to drinking alcohol and driving, how much alcohol is too much?

Driving under the influence penalties

You may already know that a DUI conviction has tough penalties like jail time, probation and fines according to California Vehicle Code 23152. Those are the criminal penalties. However, there are many non-criminal penalties you may not know that go hand in hand with a DUI conviction. In California, there are a variety of ways a DUI conviction will change your life. The following is a small sample:

Have you ever notice an individual speeding, rolling through a stop sign or swerving while driving? It’s easy to assume that the driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. That is not always a true assumption. He or she may just be a poor driver. In fact, there are several types of poor driving behavior that are unrelated to drinking alcohol or consuming drugs. Yet, they are as dangerous—maybe even more dangerous—than driving under the influence, or DUI.

It is a popular trend. Many people are adding energy drinks to their alcoholic beverages. Energy drinks are beverages like 5-hour Energy, Red Bull, and Monster. It is not only a caffeine and alcohol mix, but it also includes stimulants like taurine and ginseng. This type of mixture has an unusual intoxicating effect. A person may be alert, however, the individual may not necessarily be aware of how drunk he or she actually is. There are two studies that detail the impact from the combination of alcohol and energy drinks.

You've been arrested on a DUI in California, and your license has been revoked. Now what? What exactly happens following a DUI charge in California? The charge is upsetting enough, but you need your car and your driver's license. So, how do you get your license back?

The official California DMV website offers a history of laws pertaining to California DMV APS license suspension. This information is accessible via the following link:

In 1990, a new law was enacted allowing driver's licenses of people accused of driving under the influence to be suspended in a shorter amount of time. Prior to 1990, the DMV was forced to wait until one was found guilty in a Court of law and a summary of the Court's findings was delivered to the DMV.

As a motorist in California, it's prudent for you to be careful about how much alcohol you drink before hitting the road, whether you are leaving a party or have just spent an evening out socializing with friends.

Law enforcement is always looking for more effective ways to crack down on drunk drivers. One way this is done is by establishing checkpoints in designated areas. Some checkpoints are apparent and can be spotted blocks ahead. These normally consist of points where every vehicle is stopped and quickly checked. Police may also set up hidden checkpoints by having a patrol car or police on motorcycle remain out of sight and check for erratic driving. Checkpoints are also more common during the weekends, holidays and evenings as there are more people out drinking during these times.

Checkpoints are one of law enforcements favorite tools when it comes to finding DUI offenders in Los Angeles and Southern California, and for good reason. Checkpoints allow police to stop vehicles, and allow them to get a close look at you, your actions and your vehicle without the burden of proving a traffic stop was illegal. They often find many other offenders during the operation of the checkpoint as well, including many regulatory offenses such as expired license tags or faulty equipment on the vehicle.

Your evening may have started innocently enough. Perhaps you had dinner with your significant other and had a few glasses of wine or beer. Or you may have been out playing softball or touch football with friends and had a few beers during the game or afterwards. You may not realize it at the time but your blood alcohol could be above the legal limit and if you are pulled over by police, you can be charged with a DUI.

Board of Governors,

America's Top-Ranked Law School For Trial Advocacy

Stetson University DUI Program

Contact Information

Jonathan Franklin DUI Attorney
6777 Hollywood Blvd Ste 508
Los Angeles, CA 90028